Monday, November 23, 2009

Footprints in the Snow

I had a rather interesting experience today.

Last night we had our second snow storm of the season. This morning there was about three inches of snow on the ground. There was also a set of footprints that led from the sidewalk into our driveway, back to the sidewalk and up the street. When I went to explore a little more closely you could tell that that set of footprints came up the sidewalk, out to the street where RM's car was parked, back onto the sidewalk and into our driveway and out. It even appeared that they made a brief stop at our mailbox. Obviously someone had been out and about checking cars to see if they were locked. Luckily ours were last night (which they are about 98% of the time).

I decided to follow the footprints a bit in both directions. Those same footprints stopped in the driveways of several of my neighbors as well. I decided to report the suspicious behavior to our local sheriff's office. They sent an officer out. When he arrived, I explained the situation. We had not had anything stolen, neither had my neighbors that I knew of, but obviously there had been someone on the prowl. He asked me what I wanted him to do. I explained that I just wanted the suspicious activity documented (we are trying to start a neighborhood watch in our area) and that I wouldn't be surprised if they had reports of cars broken into as the day when on.

Tonight about 9pm I got a call from a detective with the Sheriff's office. Apparently they had arrested a couple of suspects for breaking into cars along several streets in our neighborhood. He had seen our report and was calling to see if we had had anything stolen. They were in the process of trying to return stolen items to their owners.

I'd like to flatter myself and say that my call helped catch these guys. (After all, there was a set of footprints clearly leaving my driveway and heading up the sidewalk. I think the officer was following them as he left.) But whether I did or not, I am very grateful that last night wasn't one of those very rare nights when I forgot to lock our van or left my purse in the car.

Rationally you know things like have to happen fairly often. But, it is rather strange to have distinct evidence that it has happened, like footprints in the snow. You also have to wonder at the stupidity of these guys, going walkabout on a night where they could leave a trail for the cops to follow. :P

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

That sounds like a great 'stupid criminals' story!

I'm glad nothing was taken from your cars! My sister once left her garage door up accidentally. She also failed to lock the door between the house and garage AND her husband was on a business trip.

Luckily, the teenager next door was awake and on the porch smoking at 3:00 in the morning and saw a truck stop by her house. Curious, he watched as someone got out, peeked in her windows then went into the garage. He was calling the cops as the guy went INTO my sisters house. Fortunately, said guy came back out and was just rifling through her car when the cops pulled up and got him. Drug addict looking for a way to get some quick cash for a fix. Since he went INTO the house, there were some pretty serious charges and he was later convicted. I hope the guy was able to get off drugs at some point.

I'll bet your 'thief/ves' had a similar story- drug addicts looking for some quick cash. You definitely did the right thing by calling.


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