Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Perfectionism Paralysis

So...I know that I'm woefully behind in my blogging, even after my last brief check in. It seems that I have been waiting for the "right time" to jump back in and get going. See, there has been so much going on in our lives, much of it with significant importance, that I feel obligated to "catch up" and document the lot here on the blog. Some part of me has pictured an epic post (or two, or twelve) with lots of pictures and lengthy journaling. Some part of me wants the epic posts.

But, I'm beginning to feel that if I don't just start right back up as if I have never missed anything at all, that this little blog of mine is just going to fade away into nothingness. That would make me very sad. I really like blogging and the opportunity it gives me to share my thoughts, the events of our lives, and those little cool things I discover along the way. I also love reading your blogs and sharing your triumphs, tears, and laughter. I've been missing that too. So, I'm gonna just jump in with both feet and see if I can add those "important live event" entries somewhere along the way.

With all this in mind, check out this really cool entry from Shannon Hale's blog: Morals and values and lessons, oh my! I find it fascinating, especially since I have aspirations of being a writer someday when I grow up. I'd love to hear what you think.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Whoa! Where have you been? On behalf of all blog world - Welcome Back, yo.


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