Sunday, February 6, 2011

Stress Dreams & Statues

About a week ago Bob joined us in our bed during the night. In the morning we had the following conversation.

RM (directed to me): I had the worst stress dreams all night long.

Bob: Me too. Was I in your dreams?

RM: As a matter of fact you were.

Bob: I think we had the same dream. Were you in a pit with snakes in it?


'Lashes (while standing on a chair for a pedestal with his arms posed): I know about statues.

RM: What do you know about statues?

'Lashes: They're real...they're dark and full of yucky. 

-Creative, funny kids.
-Priesthood blessings.
-Knowing my kids aren't too big to come find Mom & Dad when they need comfort.


Helena said...

LOL! "I think we had the same dream."

Unknown said...

lol I love hearing what little kids say!


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